Monday, April 12, 2010

April Updates

Ni Hao,

Just a quick word here, even though there is much to update.

I have returned from Norwescon and FilKONtario on back to back weekends. Con updates will be coming, as well as updates on that raffle of the Fruity Oaty Dolls.

However, since April 3, my mother-in-law fell gravely ill and subsequently passed away. Naturally this has thrown our normal family life and schedule into chaos.

Firefly Cargo Bay is a one woman operation and although I try to be as efficient as possible and get those shinys out to you wonderful Browncoats, sometime I have to let the mundane world supersede my fandom. Obviously this is one of those times.

So I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but FFCB will be closed until Tuesday April 12. Orders will be accepted and processed in the chronology they were received.

Thank you for your understanding.

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