Thursday, March 6, 2008

Wacky Fun!

Plans are progressing very well for Bards Without Borders!

It's shaping up to be quite the full day of Brownish activities on the Saturday of FilKONtario. We've got a schedule packed with wacky fun for the April 5th day. There's a Q&A session with the Bards, a Browncoat game show, a competition called Toss-A-Gos and fan vids and other fun stuff. And don't forget the dealer room! There will be stuff available there to which no one else in the 'Verse will have access!

Early registration is closing soon, and the price at the door will be higher than the $25.00 "Browncoat" rate being offered now. So get yourself over to the FilKONtario web site and register now.

Come out and join us, won't you?

Until next time:
"You're gonna come with us."

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